Thursday, June 14, 2012

Scooter Day

A few times a year, my brother spencer and I (Ian) take a scooter day. Always on a Saturday, I ride a Dragnfly, and Spencer rides his scooter. He can go faster than my ride, so he slows down for me. Isn't that nice of him.
We start the day by meeting at Petco Park at 9. We immediately head to our oldest brother T.C.'s house.
It's usually about this time we blow a tire. So naturally we head to Tom's for a new tube. Tom was awesome. He filled the air with colorful language, fun conversation, and a sweet map to all the San Diego bike routes. It was awesome, opened a whole new world of two and three wheel fun.
Our plan was go to Coronado. We found a route through IB so we went for it.
We made some stops, and saw some cool things. We had a blast riding the bike route.
The machines ran well.
We had a great time cruising around Coronado. We even found an awesome open house. The house was beautiful. Spencer took some great pictures of that. We did some more riding the we started back. We had the wind at our back. It was some fast and fun riding. We finished the day with a Padres game. Our families met us there. It was a wonderful day.

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