Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Quick update

I have gotten teased about my very out dated blog.  Then we had a releif society class on blogging and journaling.  I am not doing either!  And I have two adorable kids that I need to remember things about.  So I am making it my goal, yes once again, to do this a whole lot more often.  I have two sister in laws that I know of that do awesome blogs, they are great examples to me too. 

So, I will start with the amazing event in our lives that occured last year, early December!  Mason Reed Johnston was born 12-5-11, he weighed 5lbs 2oz. 21 inches long.  He was born at 36 weeks, here is what I looked like.
On Dec 4th I was at a bbq at my cousins house and playing with Patrick in the backyard but my back was aching a lot. That night I could not sleep very well because I could not get comfortable with the bach ache and contractions I was having. The next day I just got up and tried to go on with my day, but as the day went on the contractions seemed to be getting more close and more intense. So I decided to get driven to the hospital and get checked out. They checked me out in triage and then sent me to a room to wait and see if i progress, my doctor came to check on me about 5pm, I had been there for about an hour. She said I had progressed since I first got there so she was taking him that night, when the shift change happens I will be the first in the operating room. So they preped me, I walked to a table laid down and they gave me a c-section to give me our sweet baby Mason!

He was super small, but all healthy and strong.  The NICU people were standing by and checked him out first, but he never had to go with them and he didn't have to stay in hospital at all without me. 

 Happy Mama!
Patrick got to come see his brother the next day!  He was happy with it, but I don't think he quite understood everything.  We had Ian going home some but Gary and the Johnston Grandparents really made Patrick feel better.  Staying home with Gary kept his life and schedule as normal as it could be and going to sleep over at Grandma and Grandpa Johnston was an adventure he could have! 

My dear sweet friends from my ward came and said hi too, Robyn Welcker has a birthday right after Mason and Debbie Douvaghapivong is another sweet friend that we love. 

We had many great visitors...the Johnston grandparents visited and also helped with what ever they could and so did Gary.  He helped a lot with Patrick and also visited with flowers:) So sweet

He was still super small when it was time to go home, so the clothes were big, but we just bundled him up and brought him home so happy to have him in our home!

1 comment:

Staceygirl said...

He is super cute. I am glad to be filled in on the whole story... happy to see you posting!!