Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Mason 6 months

Since Mason was born Dec 5th its easy to keep track of how many months he is...on the 5th of the month he is that month old.  So Jan he was one month and now its June, the sixth month, he is 6 months old.  He is a blessing in our home.  He is a very good baby, not much fussing or crying over nothing.  He loves to watch Patrick play.  Patrick can talk to him or jump or dance for him and he laughs.  Patrick plays peek a boo with him, and the other day I was pushing Patrick in the swing and holding Mason.  I have never hear Mason laugh so hard each time Patrick swang up to us Mason would laugh so hard, I think he thought Patrick was doing that on purpose just for him!  Mason is teething right now so he bites down on your fingers pretty hard, sputtering with his lips, and lots and lots of drool :)

 Now Mason is 6 mo I am trying to feed him cereal...its still pretty messy and slow going!
 Patrick didn't want to be left out! 
I think a little actually got swallowed!

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