The other day my friend Kim Delcampo and i were talking about adventurous things we should do and the idea came up that we should go swim with the sharks. Then a couple days later i needed paper to print something for work and Ian suggested i go to the TVA office and ask them for a couple peices. I did and while I was there Rob Potts said he thought Ian and I seemed like adventurous people and he and his wife were celebrating their anniversary this year by going out on a boat to swim with sharks! He invited us to go and said he needed to get 10 people for the boat so we could get it for a discount price. I immediately thought of kim of course and she was IN! We went early Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008 and had a really cool time. It wasn't scary, but there were a lot of sharks at arms reach all around us so it was definitely thrilling!
Katie and Ian, Kim, Shanae, Noel, Rob and Jana, Jamie, Jen, and thier dad all swam with the sharks!
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