Tuesday, July 29, 2008

North Shore Shark Adventures

The other day my friend Kim Delcampo and i were talking about adventurous things we should do and the idea came up that we should go swim with the sharks. Then a couple days later i needed paper to print something for work and Ian suggested i go to the TVA office and ask them for a couple peices. I did and while I was there Rob Potts said he thought Ian and I seemed like adventurous people and he and his wife were celebrating their anniversary this year by going out on a boat to swim with sharks! He invited us to go and said he needed to get 10 people for the boat so we could get it for a discount price. I immediately thought of kim of course and she was IN! We went early Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008 and had a really cool time. It wasn't scary, but there were a lot of sharks at arms reach all around us so it was definitely thrilling!

Katie and Ian, Kim, Shanae, Noel, Rob and Jana, Jamie, Jen, and thier dad all swam with the sharks!

Ian's Pizza Adventure

July 20th, 2008 It was our one month anniversary of being married and Ian LOVES pizza so for something special, he decided he would look up how to and make some pizza! He did an amazing job, friends from all over came out of the wood work to get a taste of this amazing pizza! He did an excellent job!Ham and Pineapple Pizza

The Hukilauh at Hukilauh

Last week for Laie Days we got in on some Hawaiian traditions that were really cool. It was fun to learn a little about the culture and background of Laie. One event was called Hukilauh at Hikilauh, it was where the fishermen thru out the nets close to shore and then everyone helped when they brought them in, they pulled out all the fish from the nets and then everyone helped clean all the seaweed from the nets so they could be neatly rolled back up and stored away. It didn't take too long with all the hands picking the seaweed and it was really fun to see such a cool tradition.

Ian and Jesse helping pick the seaweed from the nets!

Elizabeth has discovered her toungue!

The fish being pulled from the nets!

KT Cut Her Hair!

Katie finds it a little hot and humid in Hawaii so she has cut her hair! It was a shock at first. She would scream everytime she saw her own reflection and washing and brushing her own hair for a few days was hard to get used to! But it has grown on her and now she really enjoys the ease of it and the style is cute on her so it make her happy!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Botanical Gardens Camping Adventures


Chris and J Peirce J and Elizabeth!
The guys playing frizbee.

Jackie flipping pancakes like a pro!

The music was so cool, Zane and Chris on guitars Jackie on the bango and Jesse on the Melotica!

The whole group

Katie and Ian having a good time!

Just sitting around the camp visiting.
Jesse and Chris breaking up the wood for the fire later.

Cute Elizaeth and Doretha Price! Elizabeth and J did the perfect pose!

Friday, July 11, 2008 Ian and I went camping at the Botanical Gardens in Kaneohe with some friends. The Price family let us borrow their two man tent that was long enough for us if we were 4-5 feet tall! We are 6+ feet tall so it was fun times!! It was beautiful all around us. We had fun playing frizbee in the dark, and singing while Zane, Anna, Chris and Jackie played musical instruments!
Jackie and Anna made an amazing breakfast for everyone in the morning and we all went on a beautiful nature hike. Then we packed up and went home that afternoon. We had a really fun time!

Monday, July 21, 2008

4th of July

For the 4th of July we went with Chris and Jackie Kontoes to Sunset Beach. Tons of other friends came too. There was some pretty good waves for surfing a little ways out and it was also fun breaking waves close for us to play in. We had a blast playing and visiting all day at the beach. Ian and I had also made plans to meet Michelle and Kim later that day so when everyone was leaving Sunset beach we stayed and waited for them to come pick us up for the fireworks and show we planned to go to with them. There was a free concert in the park at a military base and then some fireworks so we had a great time doing that with them. Ian and I swung the little girls in a towel till our hands were aching! We played tag and had a wonderful picnic! We love hanging out with all our friends:)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hawaii Beaches

This place, Laie, is quite different than San Diego. I have noticed it is a real realaxed atmosphere. We can walk every where we really need to go right now so we enjoy that. We live right on campus so Ian can walk to classes and I can walk to a grocery store near by, some friends live pretty close so we can go visit them. We are definately having a good time here and Ian is sure this is where we should be right now in our lives. He got confirmation one night at family prayer. I am so thankful for that blessing!

Ian and i love hanging out at the different beaches with our friends! This is Scotty an old frined of Ian's that is going to school here also. Ian is finding quite a few people he knew from back home that are going to school here also, so he is enjoying that a lot.