I looked at my last blog and realized...I gotta get better at this blogging, so that will be one of my new goals! As you can imagine MUCH has changed in my cute little Patrick man since the last blog. He is 16 Mo old, walking all over the place...he really took off with that during Thanks giving in Arizona. I have taught him some sign language so we can communicate simple things he needs so he says Please, Thank you, More and All done in sign language. He says, "Thanks, This, Mommy, Daddy, Up, Some, Yumm, Wow and Uh-Oh" verbally too. He blows kisses and waves Hi and Bye too that makes me melt of course!
We had some really warm weather just before Christmas so we went to the beach one sunday morning and had fun taking christmas card photos. We enjoy living in the sunshine of San Diego. Ian loves to be close to the ocean for early morning surfing sessions before work. We are both working hard every day to better our lives little by little. We love the adventures we get to have with Patrick and other family and friends.