Monday, February 15, 2010

BYU Hawaii Graduation

Ian Graduated BYU H 12-18-09
He got a degree in accounting and Patrick was looking into becoming a plumber! Ha Ha
Christiansen Family, Baird Family and Johnston Family all graduating and leaving the island!

Bishop Chan was such an amazing man

Congratulations Ian

Patrick Benjamin Johnston

Patrick Benjamin Johnston
Born Oct. 14th 2009 at 730am. He weighed 7lb 2 oz. and was 20 inches long. He was delivered by c-section after 24 hours of labor but not coming out. He was stuck in my tailbone just like I said!! He came the day before we were supposed to get induced. So...

Dad got there that night! He got on an earlier flight to try and make it for the birth, but just got there the night of the 14th.
Mom LOVES to kiss those CUTE cheeks!