Monday, September 28, 2009

3 More Weeks!!

I love this little boy inside me, but it is definately time for him to come out! I need a break from the tailbone pressure and the hands and feet pain! It slows me down too much! I have had a couple requests for the belly update so here you are...Week 35

Monday, September 14, 2009

Oregon with friends!

The summer in San Diego ended for Ian on the scheduled date of July 24th. He graciously said I could extend my ticket for a while so I could attend a family and friend road trip to Oregon to see my Grandma, aunt and cousins that live there. So that is what I did...we all had a great time together!

We brought a 20' pontoon boat with us the whole way so we stopped in Sacramento on the way up and on the way back to run the river and so the girls (friends we brought with us) could have some time with their dad that is living near Sacramento.

Captain Jordan

Kim and Maddy getting some sun!

Uncle Gary and KT

We picked blackberries!

Once we got to Oregon we had lots a fun at Grandma's house too!

We all tried out Grandma's trike!

We wrestled and

rode horse back even when horse bucked!

We love floating the rivers on personal pontoon boats while we are there too!

The floaters were Kim, Gary, Todd, KT, Taylor, Jordan and Trajen

Taylor and Jordan were BFF's at 1st sight

We stopped to skip rocks on the way down

Kim learning the ART of OARING!

Todd had a boat full with both his kids but everyone had a GREAT time
Jordan had a loose tooth and decided she wanted Uncle Gary to pull so it would stop hurting her
One smooth movement
and the tooth was out without any pain at all...she was all smiles

She knows who to ask when another tooth is ready to come out!

Maddy didn't want to miss out on anything, but it was a little early for her!

The trip was TONS of fun

but the ride got long so we had to entertain ourselves how we could with water fights and seat protector hats at the rest stops!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

32 Weeks

So here is the belly progress at 32 Weeks. As you can see the shirst are not covering in front so well any more. 32 Weeks is 8 months along! Yeah for one more month! I love this little baby boy inside me and can't wait to meet him.