Sunday, August 2, 2009

Idaho Adventures

Ian and I had a really great time with family in Idaho too! We got to go to a cabin in Island Park with my couzins, which was really fun!

Alvin and Zeenie are SO fun to hang out with!

The cabin was had a queen size bunk bed in Ian and my room that looked like it was made of real tree trunks. I am not sure if you can tell with this picture but it basically took up the whole room and it was a little closterphobic sleeping on it! We could either choose to be close to the ceiling or close to the other bed!

Here is the living room and kitchen

We headed out in the morning to explore Island Park...we were mostly looking for some animals!

And my sweet Mom threw us a baby shower! It was fun and made me feel so blessed to know how many people care about this little baby growing inside me.

Aunt Aldean and couzin Jai's girlfriend Lindsay

Just a few of the great people at the baby shower...from lft to rt; Kathy Wallace, Camile Wallace, couzin Kimberly Romrell and couzin Holly Romrell

It hit me when I was seeing all the little clothes that some day pretty soon I would have a little boy to put in those little clothes! Pretty overwhelming actually. Ian said he had the same reaction when he got home and saw them too.

We were very blessed and love everyone!

Reuniting with friends

Ian and I were very happy to be able to visit with some good friends we made in Hawaii! Kind of funny we were reunited in Idaho of all places, haha. They are the kind of friends you can go to places like Beaver Dick park and everyone finds it SO funny we have to take a picture by the sign!

We had a FUN filled day with the Dalleys and the Potts! We climbed the North Menan Butte or what locals call "R" mountain. THe R is for Rexburg, I think. Unless it was for Ricks...Ricks is what BYU Idaho used to be called?

Jana and Rob Potts at the top!

Kate and Brandon Dalley at the top!

Then there is the famous giant sized hamburger joint "Big Judd's" that we had to visit! Can you imagine eating a hamburger the size of your plate!!

Looks like the Dalley's have it down!

Then we went to Rigby Lake with Rob's Kayak and my family's 4 person raft...we found it a little squishy to actually have 4 people in the raft though! It sure was fun :)